
台灣製造專業印刷品織造各式織帶.成衣附料,緞帶,印刷帶,凸字印刷帶,雪紗帶,燙金帶,條紋帶,獎牌帶、識別證件帶,伸縮夾識別帶,禮贈品包裝帶印刷品、名片設計製作,迷你無線熨斗 各種顏色尺寸,品質優良 可依來樣款式顏色尺寸製作,交貨期快速 可製作各式大小包裝方式
田馨禮坊強調100% MIT台灣製造,符合環保與ROHS歐盟環保法規之生產,能提供高品質的緞帶
Our company has been in the field of textile ribbons and trimmings business over 10 years. We manufacture and export a widevariety of ribbons all over the world, with major markets covering Europe, USA, Central and South America and Southeast Asia.We believe in excellence in quality and service. We offer great prices to our clients who find significant savings by working with us. We have many items in ready stock to be delivered immediately after payment.
We can work with client's specifications and designs. Order of small quantity is mostly acceptable.We have equipments of over 100 looms, printing machines, finishing machines, with production volume around 350,000 meters daily.
台灣製造專業印刷品織造各式織帶,條紋帶,識別證件帶,禮贈品包裝帶,名片設計製作,迷你無線熨斗 澤田興實業有限公司http://tts886.com.tw 工廠:新竹縣新埔鎮仰德街99巷11弄11號 台北聯絡處:台北市112北投區實踐街37號2樓 0910-476740張先生Tse Tien Shin Enterprise Co Ltd 1F.,No.11 alley 11. lane 99, yangde street, xinpu township, hsinchu county 239,Taiwan tel:886-2-28216880 fax:886-2-28216880 http://tts886.com.tw